Awake Your Self-Healing Power
Practical Naturopathy & Herbal Medicine
Kataññu Naturopathy
Kataññu, (adj.) literally means knowing, i.e. acknowledging what has been done (to one), i.e. grateful.
​It's a word from Pali language, the language spoken at the time of Buddha.
As I am grateful of my life. I am grateful for having such a loving parents, siblings and friends. I am grateful for having a chance to learn how to live along with the nature. To show my gratitude, I would love to share what I know with you.
My name is Susanti Chandra. I am a naturopath. I practice Traditional European Medicine. I've graduated from EPSN (Ecole Professionelle Supérieure du Naturopathie) Lausanne, Switzerland.
My hobby is cooking, hiking and photography. I speak English, French and Bahasa Indonesia.
Why Naturopathy ? Because Naturopathy awakes our self-healing power. Our body has an amazing capability to heal if we take a good care of it. And the nature gives us so many resources for that. By living along with nature, we can evoke/ maintain our body healing capability.
Naturopathy is suitable for health and wellness maintenance through detox, nourishing our body and regulating our mind . Naturopathy is also presenting a comprehensive approach to cure chronic illness such as
- Diabetes type 2
- Arthritis / rheumatism
- Crohn, permeability intestinal, and other chronic digestif issue
- Recurrent ENT problems, and other that relates to low immunity
- Allergies
- Repetitive urinary problem ie. Cystite
- Fatique
- Eczema, Psoriasis, and chronic skin problem
It is as well proven effective in accompanying people with heavy medical treatment (such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy) by reducing its secondary effect.
To know what is Naturopathy, please click here.
My approach
In the first consultation, we are going through these 3 aspects, to identify the factor(s) that impact our health
- Biology aspect: predisposition genetic, nutrition intake, physical exercise
- Mind aspect: stress, emotional state
- Environment aspect: pollution around us that can be chemical, noise or light pollution
And then together we will define the necessary action, treatment and/ or change in lifestyle.
In the Sub-sequent consultation, we will review the result and define the next steps.
My main specialities are nutritherapy, herbal remedy (ie. phytotherapy, gemmotherapy), oligotherapy and essential oils. Additionally I do basic foot reflexiology, Breuss method massage and treatment with ventouse (suction cup).
What is Naturopathy?
Naturopathic medicine is a system that uses natural remedies to help the body heal itself. It embraces many therapies, for example herbal, massage, nutrition counseling, etc.
Healing Power
The Healing Power of Nature. Naturopathic medicine recognizes and respects the inherent self-healing ability of the body.
Prevention is the best medicine. Naturopathic practitioner emphasizes the prevention of disease.
Naturopathic practitioner educate their patients and promote self-responsibility for health.
Treat the whole person
Treat the Whole Person. Naturopathic practitioner treats each patient by taking into account all facets of the individual’s well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, social, environmental, and other factors.
Treat Root Cause
Identify and Treat the Cause. The naturopathic practitioner seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness, rather than trying to eliminate or suppress symptoms.
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.
– Helen Keller –
I believe that to treat a person we have to treat it as a whole. And as a therapist I know I have limitation. So I am proudly working in collaboration with these people with beautiful soul; Martyna and Fred. Please visit their website below to better understand what they offer. They speak English and French.
If you want to know more
Contact Info
+41 (0)79 598 4610
Impasse Derrière-Guichet 2, 1844 Villeneuve